Dr. Arnaud Bosteels Head of Virtual Reality Unit
Head of Anesthesiology
Clinique Saint-Jean Brussels

Arnaud Bosteels is a Belgian anaesthesiologist working in the hospital Saint-Jean in Brussels, where he is head of the anaesthesia department. He is the founder of the virtual reality unit of the hospital, which allows him to deliver VR to every patient of the hospital to tackle anxiety or pain. His specific areas of focus in VR are digital sedation during surgical procedures, post-operative pain and reducing pain during labour. He is a member of the clinical advisory board of Oncomfort, a medical VR company. He has been working with GE Healthcare to design the anaesthesia workstation of the future. He studied medicine and anaesthesia at the catholic university of Leuven, Belgium. He has a degree in hospital management from the Vlerick management school and he is a co-founder of BHCT, a think tank focusing on improving the organisation of healthcare. He is married , has 3 young children and is looking forward to 2020, the year he will start kitesurfing again…or not.